
Beauty Review: Lancome Visionnaire

Always on the cutting edge of innovation, Lancome has just launched a new skin serum: Visionnaire.

This product essentially works to create the look of flawless, perfect skin. Visionnaire helps to help minimize pores,  even out tone and texture as well as enhanced wrinkle correction.  Do you still carry the traumatic acne scars from your childhood, or are you seeing UV damage from your younger years before sunblock replaced baby oils? No worries, Visionnaire helps to diminish surface imperfections too! But that's just at the surface, and as we all know, women are deeper than that; we want a deep down meaningful connection with our serums, no overnight promises only to be broken-hearted in the morning. Some people might call that being needy, but the scientists at Lancome realized that every woman deserves to have beautiful skin with long lasting results. So they created a molecule (LR 2412 4% for the scientifically inquisitive), which works it's magic at the surface, but then passes along it's goodness as it travels further into the skin, where newer skin cells are just waiting to see the light of day.

And even better? Visionnaire has been tested on all skin types and ethnicities--even the most sensitive skin can use it.  I tried it out and immediately loved the light gel texture along with the fresh scent.  It went on really smooth and was absorbed into the skin right away, leaving an instantly brighter skin tone and an almost matte finish.  The serum itself has a subtle, iridescent pink hue to it, and if you look really closely a very slight sheen, which is likely a contributing culprit to correcting uneven skin tone.  I'm not an oily skin so I don't have really large pores to begin with, but I did notice that pores in the area where I applied Visionnaire definitely appeared smaller. While the best results always come after a full skin cycle, ~28 days, Lancome has put 12 years of research into Visionnaire so they're clearly in it for the long haul.  I have always been happy with the results that I get with Lancome products, so I'm sure that after 28 days my skin will be the vision of perfection---you gotta put in the time and commitment if you want happiness in the end!

Try it today - stop by for your free sample.

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